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Published Articles

Waverly Farm owner Jerry Faulring writes a regular column called ‘It’s Time for Sharing’ for Free State Nursery, Landscape & Greenhouse News, a publication of the Maryland Nursery, Landscape, and Greenhouse Association (MNLGA). Published three times each year, Jerry’s articles are straight up stories of his successes and failures on the Farm with an intent to reflect on his experiences as a grower and share what he’s learned.

Posts about Boxwood Blight

7 minute read

Coping With Boxwood Blight

Saving a staple of the American landscape

Boxwood blight is here and not going away anytime soon. We can either learn to adapt and manage it, or stop planting boxwood--which is unthinkable. We choose to adapt and manage. Fungicides are proving an effective treatment if blight is found in planted boxwood, and resistant plants are being developed in Europe.

Boxwood Blight
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11 minute read

Boxwood Blight Compliance Agreement

Why you should strongly consider putting a BCCA in place

Waverly Farms signed a Boxwood Blight Compliance Agreement this year and we encourage as many growers as possible to join this program. Pest free production for a plant included in nearly every landscape design plan in the region, just makes good business sense. Implementing the agreement has had a ripple effect into how we think about managing pest transmission as a way of life.

Boxwood Blight
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