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Published Articles

Waverly Farm owner Jerry Faulring writes a regular column called ‘It’s Time for Sharing’ for Free State Nursery, Landscape & Greenhouse News, a publication of the Maryland Nursery, Landscape, and Greenhouse Association (MNLGA). Published three times each year, Jerry’s articles are straight up stories of his successes and failures on the Farm with an intent to reflect on his experiences as a grower and share what he’s learned.

Posts about Field production

7 minute read

The Art and Science of Summer Digging

Improving cash flow and customer experience by extending your digging season

Summer digging of field grown plants provides significant advantages for landscape contractors and wholesale distribution yards. ‘Just-in-time’ material sourcing delivers freshly dug material on the exact day needed, often right to the job site. With some experimentation you can devise a system for summer digging that succeeds. After 15+ years of working at it, we have successfully dug almost every plant in production, even during hot droughty weather.

Field production
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4 minute read

Reinvent the Wheel

How three European companies are revolutionizing commercial hedge production - by “reinventing” the wheel

Reinventing the wheel is bad, right? That’s what I thought. But a ten day tour of nurseries and equipment manufacturing facilities in The Netherlands and Germany caused me to redefine my understanding of “reinvent”. We value the invention of new things. Yet improving existing methods or machinery, without a patentable outcome, can be just as valuable toward improving efficiency, productivity, and comfort--all with astounding gains. This is where creative reinvention rises to the level of pure invention.

Field production
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