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Published Articles

Waverly Farm owner Jerry Faulring writes a regular column called ‘It’s Time for Sharing’ for Free State Nursery, Landscape & Greenhouse News, a publication of the Maryland Nursery, Landscape, and Greenhouse Association (MNLGA). Published three times each year, Jerry’s articles are straight up stories of his successes and failures on the Farm with an intent to reflect on his experiences as a grower and share what he’s learned.

Posts about Plant Pricing

16 minute read

How Do Field Growers Price Plants?

Taking the mystery out of pricing field production plants

Is your nursery business slowly, imperceptibly losing money with each plant you sell? Having a comprehensive cost based system for setting plant prices at a profit is a crucial subject in our business. Yet all too often it is a subject we avoid or dread, like talking about the “birds and the bees” with our children.

Plant Pricing
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